Frequently Asked Questions
This section will help answer many of the questions that we frequently receive from players and spectators.
To register for any open tournament, players simply will show up at the tournament site on the morning of the tournament. Please show up at least 15 minutes before your schedule tee time to allow tournament managers time to place you in a group, procure markers, and set up scorecards.
Online registration is only for the Championship tournament held at the end of the season. Players must place in the top 3 (including ties) at any open tournament. Players who receive a white card at any open tournament awards presentation are eligible and must register before the posted deadline. Players who register for the championship tournament, but have not qualified will be removed from the tournament pairings without notice.
Online registration is only for the Championship tournament held at the end of the season. Players must place in the top 3 (including ties) at any open tournament. Players who receive a white card at any open tournament awards presentation are eligible and must register before the posted deadline. Players who register for the championship tournament, but have not qualified will be removed from the tournament pairings without notice.
Registration fees are $20 per player per season. This fee provides each player with a NWKS Jr. Golf player card. Once you have purchased your card, you simply use this card to register for any additional open tournament. You will also need this card if you play in the Championship tournament. Lost cards can be replaced at any tournament location for a $5 fee.
The Northwest Kansas Junior Golf Association is organized as a tax-exempt non-profit organization. All tournament hosts and board members operate on a volunteer basis. All courses donate their facilities for each tournament. $8 from each player entry goes to the local club that the player registers for their tournament card. The other $12 goes to the NWKS Jr. Golf Association to provide awards, tournament materials, and player scholarships.
The Northwest Kansas Junior Golf Association is organized as a tax-exempt non-profit organization. All tournament hosts and board members operate on a volunteer basis. All courses donate their facilities for each tournament. $8 from each player entry goes to the local club that the player registers for their tournament card. The other $12 goes to the NWKS Jr. Golf Association to provide awards, tournament materials, and player scholarships.
7-9 yrs old (9 holes short course) 10-11 yrs old (9 holes red tees) 12-13 yrs old (9 holes white tees) 14-15 yrs old (18 holes) 16-17 yrs old (18 holes) |
7-9 yrs old (9 holes short course) 10-11 yrs old (9 holes short course) 12-13 yrs old (9 holes red tees) 14-15 yrs old (18 holes red tees) 16-17 yrs old (18 holes red tees) |
Age is determined by the player's age on January 1. For example: if a player turns 12 on May 15 they would play in the 10-11 year old division because their birthday is after the start of the year.
Golfers may choose to play in an older age division but will be competing for medals in the older division. You must qualify for the postseason championship in your correct age division.
Golfers may choose to play in an older age division but will be competing for medals in the older division. You must qualify for the postseason championship in your correct age division.
Tee Times
Tee Times:
8:30 AM: (16-17 and 14-15 yr olds)
9:00 AM: (12-13 yr olds)
9:30 AM: (10-11 and 8-9 yr olds)
Tee times will be posted for the Championship tournament when they become available.
All start times are Central Time except for any tournament in Goodland which is on Mountain Time.
8:30 AM: (16-17 and 14-15 yr olds)
9:00 AM: (12-13 yr olds)
9:30 AM: (10-11 and 8-9 yr olds)
Tee times will be posted for the Championship tournament when they become available.
All start times are Central Time except for any tournament in Goodland which is on Mountain Time.
Qualifying for the Championship Tournament
In order for a player to qualify for the Championship tournament held at the end of the season, that player must place in the top 3 in their appropriate age division. All ties for the top 3 will qualify. For example: Player 1 has a score of 45, Player 2, Player 3, and Player 4 all tie with a score of 46. Player 5 and Player 6 tie with a score of 47. Players 1-4 all qualify for the championship tournament. Players 5 and 6 do not qualify. A playoff will occur to determine who receives the 2nd and 3rd place medals. The 4th place player will not receive a medal. Players who qualify will receive a white card with instructions on how to register.
Medals will be awarded at each open tournament to the top 3 players in each division. A total of 30 medals may be awarded at each open tournament (10 divisions x 3 medals). Player who tie for the top 3 spots will playoff for the medals.
At the championship tournament plaques will be awarded to the top 2 players in each division (total of 20 awards). This has been reduced from 3 plaques in each division for several reasons. First is cost, the board has decided to award a scholarship to one boy and one girl each year rather than award a 3rd place plaque. Second is time to build the plaques. One of the NWKS Jr. Golf Association board members donates their time to build the plaques. Reducing the number of plaques from 30 to 20 greatly decreases the workload. Third is low player turnout. Several of the groups may have less than 5 players and awarding a plaque to 3 players diminished the value of the award.
At the championship tournament plaques will be awarded to the top 2 players in each division (total of 20 awards). This has been reduced from 3 plaques in each division for several reasons. First is cost, the board has decided to award a scholarship to one boy and one girl each year rather than award a 3rd place plaque. Second is time to build the plaques. One of the NWKS Jr. Golf Association board members donates their time to build the plaques. Reducing the number of plaques from 30 to 20 greatly decreases the workload. Third is low player turnout. Several of the groups may have less than 5 players and awarding a plaque to 3 players diminished the value of the award.
Players are paired at tournaments based on several criteria. First being the availability of markers. Each group playing only 9 holes will need to have a marker (see below). Second is each player's home course. Players from the same town/course are split as best as possible just as they would in high school golf. Siblings and other relatives that are known to the tournament manager will also be split.
Spending several hours with a competitor on the golf course is a great way to build relationships and make lifelong friends. Playing with a close friend or relative can become a distraction for other players and does not allow players to form bonds outside of their circle. We do not accept requests for pairings!
Spending several hours with a competitor on the golf course is a great way to build relationships and make lifelong friends. Playing with a close friend or relative can become a distraction for other players and does not allow players to form bonds outside of their circle. We do not accept requests for pairings!
Integrity, honesty, and fairness are all important lessons that the NWKS Jr. Golf Association hopes to instill in our players. In order to achieve this, we require markers at all tournaments for any player in a 9-hole division. Markers are not required for 18-hole divisions. Markers are not rules officials, but they may help players in interpreting the rules, help look for lost balls, etc. Markers may not offer advice to any player. Markers are volunteers, and their efforts are greatly appreciated, and are vital to the success of our tournaments.
Spectators are observers. They are not caddies or coaches. They need to remain far enough behind the group so that that they cannot give advice, or become a distraction for the players, but also be aware of groups playing behind the group that you are following so that you do not impede on their play. Any private conversation with a player during play will be considered advice. The result is disqualification of the player, and removal from the facility of the spectator.
CLICK HERE for the complete list of spectator rules.
CLICK HERE for the complete list of spectator rules.
It is the responsibility of each player to know and understand the rules and how the game of golf is played. Even though a child may be old enough to participate, that doesn't necessarily mean that they are "ready" for competitive golf. We want the Northwest Kansas Junior Golf Association to be a fun and positive experience for everyone.
We have designed our rules to closely match those of the Kansas State High School Activities Association (KSHSAA) in order to prepare our players for high school golf and beyond.
CLICK HERE for the complete list of competitive rules
We have designed our rules to closely match those of the Kansas State High School Activities Association (KSHSAA) in order to prepare our players for high school golf and beyond.
CLICK HERE for the complete list of competitive rules
Coaches / Caddies
To ensure fairness in competition, coaching and/or caddying is strictly prohibited. Not all players have an adult with them at each tournament and those without would be at a disadvantage. Coaching of younger players slows play, and creates a distraction for others. If a player cannot play without being coached, receiving advice, or carrying their own clubs then they are not ready for competitive play.
© Northwest Kansas Junior Golf Association 2025